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*braces self for 5sos fan* I don't like 5sos musically wise and it's fine if you like them but I have a hate for this Michael dude...sry 5sos fans
Jk I'm not sry I hate him
same here except it's not my bff it's my "friends" who I hate cause all they do is act like they are punk and emo and then act like a basic white girl and talk behind everyone's back and make huge drama and I'm just like no please leave
yeah I've already ranted about why they aren't punk and how they turn punk into a fashion statement which A) doesn't make them punk and B) can be disrespectful to actually are punk and use punk as something to stand for
if you scroll down in my posts you can find this one thing that describes it like perfectly
I'm surprised someone hasn't yelled at me yet and defended him XD
they are and they all just say the same thing like you're just jealous or you've spent a whole 3 seconds posting this you must like them cause you're taking so much time doing this
I feel like I just like their old music thats not gonna change. but I've never met them irl and they haven't physical or mental hurt me so I can't really say anything but that's just the kind of person I am. I try to make everyone happy and unless they really make mad I'll l tell them off.
only some of their old music that sounds original and it's actually more rock than pop
and yeah so maybe I'm sneaking onπ
I just find him a bit disrespectful to others with things he says i wouldn't hate someone because they like music like this I just find him very disrespectful and I hate disrespectful people....I try to make everyone happy too but the Michael dude has made me really mad before so yeah...
please sneak on for along time π
I agree with you
don't be afraid of your opinion :)
aw I didn't know ok. ugh I want to but I'm sick the screen gives me a headache
my mom doesn't know im on
aw that happens to me a lot I hope it feels better
the only thing I know of is when he said 'I'd be a terrible woman I can't make a sandwich' or something but that was a while back.. Michaels really a role model for me-- he supports feminists now and he abuses sleeping meds and has depression but he like keeps his head up... even with this hate.. I don't see why people don't like him, he's amazing
because he has disrespected people with other sexualities and women
I respect people when I meet them I won't judge them
but if hey say things that disrespect other people then I'm not gonna think he's amazing
and I'm pretty sure he never even apologized for saying some of the stuff he did like he might of made a mistake but if he learned he would apologize?
he didn't ever end up saying sorry. but that was a good while ago that he made remarks about women. Michael s u p p o r t s feminists now, I don't think he would do that if he thought lowly of women...
I still don't like him sorry if you do go ahead I just don't enjoy people like that and find him quite rude and disrespectful