GUYS I’m shook at how beautiful this girl is WOWOWOW WHATTT she looks like a real life cartoon. She also does anna and I think she’s gorgeous as both buT DO YOU SEE THIS?????


GUYS I’m shook at how beautiful this girl is WOWOWOW WHATTT she looks like a real life cartoon. She also does anna and I think she’s gorgeous as both buT DO YOU SEE THIS?????

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😍🤩 she’s gorgeous omg
one day I swear we’re going to hang out, Cleta and Mackey will be there too 😤
I feel better today btw, a friend of mine and Tristin’s was feeling depressed and maybe suicidal so I was really worried about him but then I saw some triggering stuff and I couldn’t get the image of cutting out of my head, I started having panic attacks which I haven’t had much until recently soooo it kinda all piled and I only scratched, I didn’t get to cutting level but Tristin knew I was having a really hard time and I took extra sleep medicine so I was too high to panic anymore.
I mostly couldn’t break the razors out of the plastic while high so that saved me lol