Shawn Mendes edit💖


Shawn Mendes edit💖

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why'd u stop talking to me yesterday
well I was bored the whole time
so what u want to talk about
me neither
aww you're welcome but no one better think of hurting you ever lol I'm always here to talk btw ikr and np that's what I'm here fir, you'll get through it I promise 😽
me to I was watching supernatural with my friend
I have nothing to do
but talk to u right know and laugh with friends
my sis and friend broke my bed by jumping on it here's a pic on my collage k
it was an accident so I'm not that mad
I'm bored u
I'm in pet so I might not answer guickly but I'll make sure check as soon as possible ok k
do u have school
what's going on
because that's a class I have to take in middle school it's required for all students
I have to ride the bus so it takes forever