also band camp da my two is complete !! my feet hurt even worse now and i only got a little bit of video of us on the field but my phone ran out of storage and quit recording :/ we played through all of the opener as a group today, we’ll get second moveme


also band camp da my two is complete !! my feet hurt even worse now and i only got a little bit of video of us on the field but my phone ran out of storage and quit recording :/ we played through all of the opener as a group today, we’ll get second moveme

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also band camp da my two is complete !! my feet hurt even worse now and i only got a little bit of video of us on the field but my phone ran out of storage and quit recording :/ we played through all of the opener as a group today, we’ll get second movement tomorrow, and start marching the drill for the opener on Thursday ahhhh !!!
yEET I’m so happy for you bb and I gotta go and watch those vlogs yess
aHH H HHH this all sounds so great sjsksjskskw
dude so I might be able to go after all !!!! I talked with my brother about it and he’s open to taking me and we could probably down the weekend which would be fun and also thats probably the best cover for me ... anyways I will let you know if I’m for sure getting tickets but I rly hope so !! we’re probably looking at somewhere on the floor.
*spend lol