Collage by -weweredancing-


12 0
omg this is so cool
your review is up!
Please enter my binder cover contest by August 10th for a chance to win a ton of amazing prizes. I would very much appreciate it if you could enter and sorry for the self-advertising.
Can you please enter my icon contest by Aug 1st! There are lots of cool prizes. I don’t have very many entries so far. Sorry for the self-advertising!
Congrats! You got on team flowers! 🌺🌸💐🌼🌷🌹The first round is up! Good luck! 😘😃
Hey! (sorry for the copy and paste message!) I noticed that you haven’t entered the first contest of my Summer games!! 😯 I really don’t want anybody to be eliminated for not entering!! 😐 So please get your collage in before August 15th!! -BE_UN1QUE
i’d love to do a collab, your amazing!
Hey!! So you entered my Summer games and you and about 4 others haven’t entered.. I’m eliminating the people who haven’t entered yet on August 7th. in 2 days.... so plz come enter. I really don’t want to eliminate people from not entering. 😞 Thanks! Plz enter! ❤️-BE_UN1QUE
LOVE THIS!! #danceislife