Repost! This is important!


Repost! This is important!

108 0
that's sad
I just went into her acct. which collages were plagiarized
I'm reposting. this has to stop😶 she only takes your collages bc they are the best btw
I bet she's sitting behind her screen laughing tho...
I went on dancemomforlife's account. I saw your collages! I am really sorry. she is just jealous and doesn't have the creativity or mind to make them on her own. she just decided to take them. I know some people have done it to me! it really made me mad. I told her she has to stop, I don't know if she will though! p.s. I LOVE your collages!!!! but...I won't take them!
I told dancemomforlife to stop!
sorry that she's taking your collages
I'm so. she's doing that to you. It's terrible.
I tried talking to her
why don't u just block her
thanks for the like in my remix. your super talented and I'm really sorry she steals your ah-maxing collages
ugggh!!! that dancemomforlife girl is just annoying
I'm sorry for that dancemomforlife she is a stalker dance mom is jealous so we have to do something please look at the college of stopping dance mom make sure to follow me I'm cutekawaiicrush OK I'm sorry
BTW I hate her so much now almost like everyone is mad at her
I bet she is laughing now cause she is a idiot
I mean dance is a son of a bich
sorry I speld the b bad word because it won't let me say it in the correct way
we,love you
I'll repost!
I want to comment but I'm scared that she will steal my edits and work really hard😰I don't know what to do and I was gonna post this to not make them angry and steal my edits but what if she does😫😖I'm too nervous maybe I can comment from another acc I have and they won't steal yeah I'm gonna do that
I'm gonna repost this and comment to her from another acc so she won't know it's me cuz what she is doing is wrong
Wow. Just... wow. I'm going to repost and tell her to stop!
She's stealing mine too!!!!
omg yeah... she stole my collage!!!!
FINALLY I LOVE dancemomforlife!
Hi _PastelAngel_! I don't know who dancemomforlife is, maybe she is following me... But I just want to say ADD OIL! You are really brave to tell her like that and I support you! I will repost for you! Hope she will stop!
I pity you but phew she hasn't stole my colleges! I hope she won't!