Justin Beiber


Justin Beiber

6 0
it's Huber look you need to chill and say sorry to me Olivia and Ava
and why did you delete that post hope you know that we good pictures of it!
wow huber
who are you
wow what
you know other people can see what you type
like even random people
ya so what
it's just weird
like that random people can see this
and Mariam you are not in this so stay out
do you even know who I am?
I was the one who was thee when she posted it!
and you are not even in it either!
well you shouldn't be any ways
wells she dragged me into this
I have the comment she said " I mad at anyone's who's in this Huber thing"
and what did I do
she didn't drag you
you could have gotten out of it
she has a right to be mad
so do I because she dragged me into this
I will show you the comment