uhhhhh hi guys I miss u hurricane Florence is coming right 4 my town ;-) anyways I say this every time I post but ......... tell me what other social media u have bc I never use this anymore :-( I miss y’all how is school


uhhhhh hi guys I miss u hurricane Florence is coming right 4 my town ;-) anyways I say this every time I post but ......... tell me what other social media u have bc I never use this anymore :-( I miss y’all how is school

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the hurricane isn’t that serious we’re just gonna get rain + we have no school tmr
helllo! be safe w the hurricane that sounds scary gknkursdjo
AH OH NO i was hoping y’all would evacuate :// how close to the coast are you?
geez stay safe friend
it’s ok we’re pretty far inland we’re gonna be fine!!!! thank u guys ily