


18 0
do whatever you want
Nate, get Mitch to sleep
are fûckface and what’s her name interfering?
well fine but remember to sleep at a reasonable time
Nate, what’s wrong ?
If you want to
re:// Of course you.
oKay bUt being chubby isn’t a problem 😊💕
Mitch, let the poor boy sleep
Hey my friend MagoSmothy told me ur very nice so haii 😆 <- when ur socially awkward 💩
Nate’s not and until he’s able to rest with you, I’m taking him in
why can’t he sleep?
if you’re worried about aśsley and hagan, Bea is more than willing to take care of them
let Nate take a break
Bea is also willing to take care of those
Bea: BY FIGHTING!!! , Rose: Bea no
yes great idea!!
no but if you were going to then that would be an amazing name
re:// ugh that must suck
hey x
re:// Oh... this is where my social awkwardness makes me say something stupid. Ummm... (sorry)
If you want to :)
I’ll fight you with love and positivity if you say one more bad thing about yourself
I know that’s why I’m fighting
* hugs you *
tammy: i don’t either . I think bea’s in one of her positivity phases?
well do you not want help?
Nate , tell me what’s wrong
I can’t look at you
but I’m assuming it ain’t pretty
Mitch run it under water, I think that helps
Shelley and rose : * at the same time * you’re not a joke
Shelley: I’ve heard a lot of jokes in my life and you sir, are no joke
that’s okay too
not all boys are into sêx
Nate, stop . It’s Mitch’s choice what he does with his body
Nate, shut the fûck up
Shelley: seriously this isn’t funny
Nate, go the fùčk to sleep
Mitch, sweet dreams
because it’s what on the inside that counts