


29 18
hello, how are you
i'm very good, what's up
nothing much.
good, hbu??
you can pick.
hiyaaa im antonia:)
yo I’m forest:))
how are you?
not so good:(
how are youu?
sure remix meh
my bf cheated on me:((
:((it’s all my fault
I’m ugly 😂
pfft I wish 😂
stop what
what’s up I’m x
how are you.
I’m ok myself🙂
sure u can remix me if that’s cool
what's up☝️ up there well the sky the stars the sun the moon oh and heaven
😂😂 sike naw but nm chilling bored asf
yea sure remix me
currently *laughs* big girls don’t cry
noooooo like big girls as in teens and adults 😂😂 goodness whats ur name
I’m dexter
thank you :) I like ur name too (wanna trade😂😂)
hey I’m Avery 😂
pfff u wish
Hi, I’m Nolan.
let’s walk
nothing much. I saw that you don’t like your name, I think it’s cute.
yo dexter *hands u my phone* listen it’s big girls don’t cry
Great. 💯
*starts singing *
*keeps singing
*gets up and laughs at u*
well Dexter is a snazzy name.
*picks u up and sets u on the couch
but Avery is snazzier.
no ur dexter *laughs* lets go
*walks out
smiles and walks *
im hayden:)
im good, how about you?
:)) no problem
sure :) what do you want to do?
i'm alright, wbu?
like what?
pick something, im down for anything :)
pick somethin:)