Who do u think this is for?


Who do u think this is for?

11 0
ur gf?
idk who it's for just a guess
there is a lot of ppl on this group, and I'm the owner of this acc// vannah
cool so who was it for?
my boyfriend James// vannah
lol, how is jake?
hey how is Noah
he is good, I'm not talking to Jack ok that dićk píssed me off real badly
oh cool y did he stop talking to me?
he is on waiting
oh thanks waiting for what?
idk he is wired
my life tho lol
eh there are other people talking to him eh it's ok ik he dont wanna talk to me anyway *sits down*
girl hold on
yea jack is one
Justin like u Jackson//Sky D
how is zach doing in the hospital//Sky
just asking how my husband is doing dxmn
and I can't even do that what the fxck
plz I want to talk to him
plz don't//sage
Jackson, Noah posted something and u need to see it fast