I went to Mockingjay part two. It was terrible. And beautiful. But mostly sad. I literally sat there the whole time with my hands in fists, and whenever Coin or Snow was in a clip my teeth were clenched. There was actual anger toward them. But waiting for


I went to Mockingjay part two. It was terrible. And beautiful. But mostly sad. I literally sat there the whole time with my hands in fists, and whenever Coin or Snow was in a clip my teeth were clenched. There was actual anger toward them. But waiting for

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I went to Mockingjay part two. It was terrible. And beautiful. But mostly sad. I literally sat there the whole time with my hands in fists, and whenever Coin or Snow was in a clip my teeth were clenched. There was actual anger toward them. But waiting for Finnicks death was terrible, so much waiting and anticipation. And then Prim. It was so sudden. So fast. Boom. She was gone. And I died sobbing for both of them. And then Katniss was saying sorry and oh, when she told Peeta about himself. And then she said real. And I was honestly like not okay. Oh and when Peeta had the flash back. That was awful. My heart fell apart for most of the movie.
exactly there are no words to explain that movie it is all that you said in more your heart gets ripped into a million pieces and you don't know wether to be happy,sad,annoyed or just burst into floods of tears(I did all of them) BUT THG IS THE BEST FANDOM EVER!!!! 😰😌😭 XD