I’ve got something really important and close to my heart to post later, I hope you’ll appreciate it. My deepest thanks to @timetraveler. You rock


I’ve got something really important and close to my heart to post later, I hope you’ll appreciate it. My deepest thanks to @timetraveler. You rock

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i forgot to say this, but are there 2 specific collages you’d like me to review? :)
imma rock
soooo amazing
thank you!!!♥️
np ❤️
Yes! That might be a good idea. Thank you!
That’s a good idea actually!
Probably yes
What fandom r u going to do?
oh my goodness this looks amazing
beautiful ❤️
your review is up!
oh ummm sorry...noo😢😬😬But I prefer the others❤️
Sorry I had a late night last night and not everyone has entered I’ll try to make t work brb.
For our collab lol 😂
happy September. my favorite month because school starts in 4 days. i love september.
hi friend, your review is up!
I could remix some to you if u want! believe me, I know the struggle of finding a good icon that represents your account
no problem! glad to help out ;)
love the icon 😉
it’s all good 😊 I used to change my icon multiple times a week so I get it 😂😊
ooh I saw this one when I was looking!! it gave me a very A Court of Thorns and Roses vibes
so I love it
Are you actually Txlented???
did you really use to be txlented?
I love this ♥️
this is sooo beautiful! you have an awesome style and this collage just inspires me!!! this should be featured!
awesome ❤️
pretty 😍😍