Collage by pizzapizza123


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mk , good idea . So , what time is it where u r . I need to schedule times for editing everyday when I’m not sleeping or at school and same with u . So where do u live ???
for the quote , I like that idea and the flower thing , The id rather have flowers on my head than diamonds on my neck . Or we could do live more worry less . I don’t mind
I’m in Illinois it’s 5:40 right now
I think we should do I’d rather have flowers in my hair than diamonds around my neck
so when do u think we should work on it
ur 5 hours ahead of me . So if we say that u work on it at 5pm , where I am it will be midday . Does that time work for u ???
ya sounds good
mk , on weekdays I have school so if u work on ur ideas at 5 then I will help when I get home , so if will be 8pm where u r
idk if I can do that maybe we should just write down our ideas and have the other one look at them