Made this for book-fanatic's contest! Go enter 💕✨👍🏻 I hope you like this, 💕💗💓😍 do you guys think I need to do something other than edits? Suggest stuff I should do in the comments!!! I made this ages ago and it was inspired by someone but I can't remember


Made this for book-fanatic's contest! Go enter 💕✨👍🏻 I hope you like this, 💕💗💓😍 do you guys think I need to do something other than edits? Suggest stuff I should do in the comments!!! I made this ages ago and it was inspired by someone but I can't remember

140 3
thanks for entering BAE! ✨❤️ this is sooooo good 😱😊
do book reviews ((and edits of course!!))
sorry it took me so long, I made it as soon as I had free time then I forgot to remix it ugh, nice job Carrie! 😂😂
LOVE this edit!!
omg you are so amazing
do tutorials or icons Bc you are amazing
you have such amazing collages