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I like ur college's
aww thx I'll do the same thing 😊
wow u got a long name but it's ok I'll try my best
ur welcome
that collage is 4u I'm asking u bc I'm waiting 4u to be mine 😢I can wait till next week that's it
I love you Soph
I'm yours, if you're mine 💜
I love u and yes I'm all ur's but one deal I'm not sharing with anyone 😂
I'm not sharing either 😘😂
😍 ok
can u make kik or oovoo plz so I can txt u better then here
check my page
I did and I comment
I got to go but I'll be back in like an hour 😘💕 love you bae
love u too bye
I'm back....earlier than I thought 😂
k I was about to sleep but I'm not