I know I'm ugly


I know I'm ugly

2 4
u so pretty
you're not to bad yourself
na I think ur cute
I love ur eyes
that's what everyone says, I love your eyes though
thanks I like to think they look like a cup of hot coco
yeah just like you could get lost In then
aww thanks I never really get comments on my eyes but I think they are one of my best physical features
I think we have been talking for like half an hour
hahahah yeah all of my other friends ignore me
hey I have to go. can we talk later on today? sorry 😔
I’m glad u like talking to me cause some people think I’m annoying
yeah sure bye see ya later what time do u think you’ll be on cause I need to check if I’m on as well
like maybe 7-8 hours if u can’t I’ll wait to later
and ur not annoying at all
I think ur interesting
I’ll try to be on in 3 hrs I hope we will be able to talk
yeah same I really like talking to you. bye!
bye 👋 in a friend way love you see you bye 👋
love you too 👋🏼 (in a friend way)
I love ur smile
awww thanks(blushes deeply) no one ever complements me like you do
i think we shoud talk more
are u still on if so I’ll talk
and I love complimenting you because u have so many great qualities even tho I’ve never seen you in flesh
*in THE flesh
I met u an hour ago but it’s seems I’ve known u longer
I don't think you will want to see my arms tho
it feels like I've known you forever
your probably even more pretty
what part of NZ are u from I’m from Dublin 🇮🇪
right down the bottom
and your soo nice
thanks 🙏
hey I got bitmoji
I need ur email to add u as a friend
but if u don’t want to give it that’s fine with me
that's it
is this ur email or someone else’s
like ur personal or like a friends or family
just so I’m not a weirdo showing up in your family’s email
nah it's mine lol
just sent requests go check it out don’t mind my email okay
did u get the email
so sos we talk through email or bitmoji?
u need to get an email about bitmoji
I did
what do I do know, I don't know what do bc I'm new to this
agh I’ll chat later soz my mom telling me we going to the park so won’t be back for a while will explain what we do later love u bye
love you too bye
hey I'm back!!
soz my mom told me to get off my phone and be active
ru on
r u on
👋 hello
I’m so lonely
lonely 😩 😩
I'm here sorry different time zones I was asleep. but I now have all day to talk to you
so how u doing
goood hbu
good can’t wait for next Saturday hopefully me and some irl friends (wow I actually have some) will be going to the movies
ohhhh what r u gonna see
it's my brothers birthday tomorrow
cool 😎
I want to see love Simon but I’m not out so maybe just Lady bird
love simons about a gay guy
yeah I wanna see love Simon too but all my friends wanna see tomb raider
ughh like I just want to see it because it’s the first lgbt movie in cinemas when I’m the right age to see proper movies
yeah same I know I'm not anything but it just looks interesting
also I went to see shape of water with my mom and niece(she’s going on 14)and twin and if u don’t know there’s some *cough*cough* u know scenes
hahaha that would have been umm how should I put it...harrowing
I do want to see that movie though
it’s good