SMILE! Y'all are beautiful💕Learn that. ~Melissa


SMILE! Y'all are beautiful💕Learn that. ~Melissa

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hey, thx! I'm greattt how you doinggg😂💕
love this!💕
haha yep, PC beats HW any day😂
this collage is stunning!🙌🏻💕👏🏻
your collage are much better than mine😂❤️👏🏻
omg yes, that happens to me so much! I have so much hw I just end up forgetting it in my locker😂
like yesterday for example, I forgot my book from school in my locker and then we got a snow day today, so no school. now I still haven't done the hw🤔
np💕 thnx😊
aww thank you so much! sure you can but you would have friend problems, tons of stress and homework and depression so it's your choice😂
ya are you excited?
thx for understanding! yeah, it's not that hard, it just took me a long time, and I couldn't post it on pc!💕so sorry, Mel
yes ikr! it's so confusing, I can't figure it out🤷🏻‍♀️
yeah today I was fine but usually I feel like trash🙂
yeah it is! I got them because I kept begging my mom and then I was in the shoe store drooping subtle jobs like trying them on and stuff and then my dad let me get them haha😂 yeah I took that pic beofre I got ont he bus this morning
ugh that's rude🙁😂
I've been to 2 of her concerts but I had to watch the first one I saw again to refresh my memory bc I kinda forgot a lot of it 😂
haha. welllll I haven't met her but she does do meet and greets!
me too! the guys at my school are either geeks and super immature, think there popular but aren't and also super immature or they are popular f boys who are also super immature😂
yeah! haha😆💚✨
sweet I'm glad we agree. (get it, "sweet)
cool, not many people get my stupid jokes
awe that stinks that ur other collage didnt save but this one is very good!!!
do I have siblings?! Boy, do I have siblings! I have six sisters and one brother and a brother in law
all of them are older than me except my little sister...trouble is right, girl!
it's nice tho cuz we're a real close so weekend nights are lit a blast
I would want a twin brother tbh
idk why I just do
I also would want a little I love my little sister but I would love a little brother
I have one friend who has a little brother and I've known them both for like ever, so I treat his little brother like a little bro
oh and np!
yea..are you the oldest in your fam?
oh ah. the oldest in my fam is 27
do you lie being the oldest?
yo can I put you in my bio?
Wow, this is great. I can't believe my BFF irl took this. I don't think I'm going to be her BFF irl anymore..