if my sisters are mean to me what should I do
plz comment or response


if my sisters are mean to me what should I do plz comment or response

14 1
act like it doesn't bother you and laugh at yourself and they'll get tired of making fun of you
it happens all the time to me and just make sure that she doesn't think it's bothering you and if it continues tell your mom because since I told mine I've had someone to be there for me
I think just walk away from the fight trust me I have a big brother
Jaylinn And Sharlinn Are Being Mean To U?
My sister is mean to me all the time 😔
I would just ignore them . they will get bored of it
be nice and remember they are your sisters. one day they might move away and you will regret not being friends while you still could
try to be as nice as possible as you can. I have a sister too and she drives me crazy but try to be as kind as you can and just ignore it
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