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let’s all take the holy little Debbie communion together
could you please delete my work off of your account
stop nobody cares about u anymore
guess everything is in the past
thicc deborahs only
I can’t tell if this is a joke or if your actually being serious
guys it’s just a freaking joke🤦‍♀️stop making a big deal out of all these
I can’t tell if this is a joke or not. unfollow me please
your basically like a hate page for me 😭😭😭
it’s a joke guys 🤦🏻‍♀️
we are the number 1 exposing account on pic collage
you all are big deborahs
well that’s your opinion. i prefer oatmeal over pop tarts and cereal.
that’s a sin
and maybe instead of having an exposed page “to try and stop all this hate on PicCollage” (as your bio says) you should have a fan page 🤷🏻‍♀️ just a suggestion.
why would a have a fan page if I’m not a fan? 🤔
you don’t worship idols I worship God
the support was glorious, but we have to update the post because we got more juice to expose you on
jeez you stick to my account like glue, glad you like it.
don’t follow me anymore you are making fun of other people and their accounts, I don’t like mean people
no you killed your snail
then ate it
cool story bro
go on then, expose me
^^no the snail ate you
Woo hoo expose me all you want