i M ewHeezING idk if this is photoshopped but oHMYGOD IF IT WASN'T, THIS IS THE MOST AWKWARD PIC I HAVE EVER SEEN; speakin of awkward i get so flustered around a certain person i will not name and ehdsnnddjsj


i M ewHeezING idk if this is photoshopped but oHMYGOD IF IT WASN'T, THIS IS THE MOST AWKWARD PIC I HAVE EVER SEEN; speakin of awkward i get so flustered around a certain person i will not name and ehdsnnddjsj

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thanks, but I'm not, I'm going through a really rough day with my family right I'm sure once I'm calmed down I will take this down but right now my whole family has just made me feel like the ugliest person ever, I mean I am but you probably don't want to hear about my family problems