-eternal screaming-


-eternal screaming-

30 22
*steals hat and puts it on head* noice
Nightmare PG: ........gimme mah hat
nu. ish mine now. *evil derps* I wear it with so much more style.
..........................-very long silence-...................-opens mouth wide and uses his tougue to grab you and pull you in, the hat flys out and goes back on his head-
wert.... *pokes at the inside of him* um RUDE. I am NOT food.
yes yew are anything that moves are food to nightmares
now shut up and let yourself be dissolved
*jabs him hard with her elbow* spit me out. now.
I'm hungry
get me a rabbit and I'll free you
fine fine. whatever. *rolls eyes* just spit me out and I'll get you one.
-spits u out- rabbit
bleh. *stands up and wipes some of the slime from his stomach off of her* gross.
okay fine. *runs off the find a rabbit*
*returns a few minutes later holding a rabbit and offers it out sadly* here. just take it.
-picks up the rabbit no pets it and starts to purr-
*watches him with the rabbit and fiddles with a lock of her hair* ...
-stops and hisses at you- go away now. meh: -pokes u-
*stands still watching the rabbits nose twitch until yew poke meh again then turns head* hm? oh. okay. *turns to walk away*