🌹check COmmenTs🌹


🌹check COmmenTs🌹

22 1
nothing here.
well no there's something.
school play is tomorrow. I'm scared. and I'm playing a character that I cannot relate to whatsoever, but it doesn't really matter. I play a sassy, confident, mean flower and it's a good part and I'm scared I'm going to mess up. I also have to wear makeup. I don't wear makeup ever because it's irritating and it would be one more thing to do in the morning, so I'm not used to makeup. but I guess I'm just scared. but it'll be alright. I won't mess up. I think what's making me 10x more anxious is my friend saying, "I'm so anxious and I don't even have a big or important role like you, so you must be really scared." THANKS FREIND IN REAL LIFE. you're great at helping👍
this account is super random. I'm sorry that this account doesn't have a purpose. It's a mess.🙃😂
we are all in titanic's cult
that's okay I'm already brainwashed enough hypnotic codes and cults won't do me any worse
gOoD LuCK 👍
it's Cozumel, Mexico! and yeah it's calming here just that I'm a bit self-conscious in a swimsuit so I was a bit anxious today. anyhoo, good luck
you'll be okay. just read over your script. I legit know how you feel as I am in the exact same position. I have been castes as a bubbly flouncy girl. I'm the opposite. deep breaths. just practice. remember rehearsal you'll be fine
just don't be yourself. That's the key.