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HAPPY INTERNATIONAL WOMENS DAY! Unless you haven’t read my username, you should know that this day is a very important day to me. Yes yes I’m aware for most of you in the other side of the world who are still living in Tuesday 7th March are thinking “wait isn’t international womens day tomorrow” and yes it is…for you, for us in the Australia and the rest of the Southern Hemisphere who are a day ahead, it is international womens day.
But anyway, lets get to the real point of this very significant day. International Womens Day started in 1909 on the 28th of February where women protested against the conditions of garment workers in New York. From then on for a day in each year would be designated to celebrate women and speak up for women’s rights. In 1975, the United Nations officially made March 8th the offical International Women’s day
So what is the purpose of international women’s day? Well the obvious is acknowledging and celebrating all women around the world regardless their race, religion, financial status or sexuality. It is a day for feminists and appreciation towards the contribution that powerful women have made in history. Unfortunately females are still treated as inferiors, objects and prizes. Women still are given less pay than men, there are women out there who still have no right to an education, there are still so many women out there who get discriminated in an abundance of ways and have no voice. This needs to stop!
I consider myself a very privileged female. I have two loving parents who do not love me less to my brother because I am a girl. I am able to get a good education and my teachers don’t restrict me in my education because I am a girl. I live in a country where females are most of the time respected the same as men. If you’re a girl and you’re reading this, you may find that you may be just as privileged as I am, however, you and I are part of only a very small portion of women that have lives like that. In countries controlled by the Taliban, females are objects. They are not allowed to go out on their own, have an education or really have any freedom of their own. Their sole job is to get married off, and produce their husband’s offspring and do housework. That is just ONE example of the many ways that women in other places are treated, and yes it can be worse.
To all feminists out there; do not let anyone stop you from believing what you believe is right. There are going to many people who are going to shun and diss you for your motives. If someone says that your opinion is too aggressive, too demanding, too much of an overreaction keep doing what you do. If you are truly confident that what you are doing is right and will make a beneficial impact, keep doing it; eventually you will make a difference. You feminists who do not live in as much adversity as others and can speak out your opinions without being threatened to death, use your privilege! Give a voice to those females who can’t, don’t let the people who contradict you and try to get in your way push you down.
To all you people, male or female who don’t think we need feminism, let me tell you that we do. Feminism is NOT a movement to promote man hating, feminism is a movement that promotes the equality of the two genders. Females who aren’t feminists because they think that they are treated well even being a girl or because they don’t hate boys, gender inequality is still your problem. Just because you’re lucky enough to be treated well regardless of your gender, there are other females who aren’t and promoting and advocating feminism gives the females are treated horribly because of their gender hope.
Males, gender inequality is your problem too, it is everyone’s problem. We must act, we must realise that regardless the gender, we are all humans and we must unite to make change that will benefit the future. International Women’s day is just one day that emphasises this importance and we must keep persisting even after that day for change in our füćkéd up discriminative society. Very sorry for making you read this literal essay, but I really needed to get my point out there. I want to end this with a quote I came up myself but considering it’s simplicity others probably have said it too; having ovaries doesn’t hold me back from being strong.
also, one more thing, trans women are women too, don't discriminate them from this remarkable day
YASSSS GIRL!!!!!! it's still the 7th here but UASSS
YESSSSSSS!!!!! You should consider writing persuasive essays as a profession.
YESSS! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 you should actually do speeches for a living 😱👏🏻😱 my mum (mom depending on how you say it 😂) was made the manager of a company a few years ago but got paid so much less that the previous male manager! so there is still so much work to be done even in more privileged countries 👏🏻💛😁✨
SLAYYYYYY👏🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 I asked my friend if she was a feminist and she said she wasn't. she thinks that feminism is ONLY for females BUT IT ISNT!!! it's equality!!!!!!!