I had a cross country race today and I got 5th place on my team and my time was 15:39 for 2 miles and it is way to hot in Ohio to run but I had to do the girls can go to state. QOTD: Favorite color? AOTD: pastel teal


➰tap➰ I had a cross country race today and I got 5th place on my team and my time was 15:39 for 2 miles and it is way to hot in Ohio to run but I had to do the girls can go to state. QOTD: Favorite color? AOTD: pastel teal

28 2
AOTD: lavender and yellow
hello! round 3 is up, please enter! xx
what do you mean by "both"? am I forgetting something???💐💐💐
Hey!! Round 2 of the fandom games is up!! Plz enter by Saturday!!❤️🔥🌺😝
no prob!
just making sure you know you have to do six collages for Round 5! good luck, and don't worry about time because you have a whole week!💜❤️💜
Round two is here! remember to enter :)
Congrats! You're in the mega collab! Stay tuned for more info!
hi! please enter round three of the YouTuber Games by tomorrow. Thanks! 💕
Hey!! Don't forget to enter round 2 of the fandom games!!❤️👍🔥🌺
Hey!! Don't forget to enter round 2 of the fandom games!!❤️👍🔥🌺
Info on the mega collab is now posted 🍁