This video was awesome💖. LIDA slayyys💘! Watching Miss America... WERE ALMOST TO 4K JLOVERS ❤️❤️❤️😱😱😱


This video was awesome💖. LIDA slayyys💘! Watching Miss America... WERE ALMOST TO 4K JLOVERS ❤️❤️❤️😱😱😱

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Thank you so much for the big spam🙈
Hey collagers!👋🏻 A new game has started on my page, and it would be awesome if you could audition for a team!😉 There will be 20 people picked for the games, and they will all be experienced collagers🌺 Your teams will compete for points and the final collager that hasn't been voted out will win!😄🙌🏻 I hope you audition! See you at the games!🤗👋🏻
hey guys!❤️🌸🐚😎 so my name is Tanushka and this is my new account! I used to be trxpicallatte but now I've made a new acc!😝💕✨ in trying to regain my followers so kind following if you want to💟🙃✨ and please don't mistake this for advertising cause I just want to get this out there💗😘 tysm for the support🌸
I love this account so much! it reminds me of just happy Alisha Marie and these are simple edits that really bring back so many memories!!💖💖