


29 8
I am
I am!! hi
it's tonight??!
Yeah it just started!
hey chloeflipz!! are you voting for Chloe for best choice dancer? or Maddie?
I don't have cable so will you guys tell me who wins?!
Hi dancemomsfan2!!
I have AT&T UVERSE and its on channel 1029 KABBHD
I'm voting for Maddie........ keep me posted LovingMackenzieZiegler can I make us a chat page and you can tell me whenever someone wins?
of course flutterdashie!!
ok thanks!
5SOS is performing right nowπŸ’—πŸ’—
me 2 Tay Simone!!!!😍😘
I would love to meet Kenzie and what song??? I love 5sos!
they just performed she's kinda hot
ooohh love that song!!! now what's on?
hey I made a chat page
I saw itπŸ’— ill keep you posted on the chat page!
hi can you keep me posted cause I can't find the channel
of course I can😘😘😘
whats the name of the channel not the number
it just says KABB
I found it
lucky!!!! I don't have cable!