fall for you / secondhand serenade {i love this song so much} 💜


fall for you / secondhand serenade {i love this song so much} 💜

299 0
Beautiful 😍
ur collages r amazing😝😍 would you like to enter my contest before it's too late?? winners will be announced on Wednesday
aM i A bEaUtIfUl ChIcKeN oR nAh
luv it!
HEY!😂👍I would really love it if you entered in my games. The teams are: Awesome Arianators👑, Perfect Phandom👌, The Best Beliebers✌️, Lovely Lovatics❤️, Cool 5SOS😎! Unfortunately, Awesome Arianators is full. But there is still spots on the other teams!😅😅There is ONLY 2 spots remaining for Perfect Phandom😱, and 7 spots in Lovely Lovatics. There is NINE spots left in team Cool 5SOS! And an amazing 12 spots in the Best Beliebers team! 😘 I hope you enter, let me tell you, you will have fun! PS. You have almost 100K!!!!!!
thank you , for the past couple of days I been perfecting the rap in the song
me too haha (hopefully) tho I have been annoying my mom
haha , I plan to perfect it and impress my friends when it's come on "shuffle" and I be like " oh I like this you know I've be-I PONDER OF SOMETHING GREAT
beautiful 😍 your collages are seriously amazing 😝 i love youuuu 😍