AYYE ITS ME!! Anybody miss me?? No? Really? Uh... Okay.. I'll be... I'll be over here I guess... *grappling hooks into the ceiling and just swings there, questioning my life decisions*


AYYE ITS ME!! Anybody miss me?? No? Really? Uh... Okay.. I'll be... I'll be over here I guess... *grappling hooks into the ceiling and just swings there, questioning my life decisions*

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yay!!! Cole came back several time in the past few months! and then he left again... like always. XD
Eh, its fine. THERE'S A NEW SENPAI NOW. AND THEIR NAME IS- *John Cena breaks in* JOHN CENAAAA!!! *his themesong plays in the background* XD
Is Cole doing any better?
um well he's less depressed in my opinion and he doesn't cut anymore from what he's told me. XD but that's about all i know.
Sounds good. How've you been?
I finished your song poem! It's on my post! :3
HOWDY!! it's been a while ;)