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39 1
Wow. It’s been forever. Between being swamped and not having any inspo, I haven’t even tried to write a poem. I’ve unsuccessfully attempted at collages only to quickly delete them. Heck, I made two versions of this one before i added text, then changed it 20 times. Truth is, I miss feeling inspired and wanting to create. That’s what this poem is about (sorta) when I post it, you’ll see it’s much much shorter than my normal but it’s a reminiscence of the carefree days.
anyway, how are you guys? I’ve been seeing and trying to like all of your recent posts, but I’m terrible at commenting and responding to the comments
love dis smmm
im alright, hbu? 💕
yeh relatable 😜
this is sooo pretty + I get it, artistry and creating comes in waves, sometimes were flooded with ideas and sometimes its hard to come up with just 1 but don't stop creating even if u feel like what ur making isn't up 2 ur standards, creating no matter what is so helpful and ull soon have the same drive =-)
thank youuuuu
this is beautiful! and don’t worry we all get in an inspo drought at some point
This is so pretty!! Excited for the poem :)
Don't worry about not posting, we all get it, inspiration isn't just always there and that's okay :)
thank you!
omg me 2 it rlly is such a beautiful quote
aw tysm 💖💖💖
this is stunning 🤩
the text style is so pretty
Amazing and stunning
tysm!! :)
this is beautiful as well
Love the poem!!!!
Hah thank you! :) this heat is just not it 😅 that happens to me too, being stuck in a slump of no inspo. i hope that you will be able to find it and feel it soon. :)
This is beautiful nevertheless 🤩
so pretty!!
thank you so much!! 🥰🥰🥰
Thank you ❤
hey hey hey! long time no see! how ya doin?
hey, it's been a while, how's it going? <3
ty!! Hru??
Hey I saw you comment on someone’s post hru?
omg hiiii hru?? 💕