Collage by Lil_Lynn16


10 3
my baby boy ❤️❤️❤️
is that you because you have a necklace that has the same one as your sister
that’s our sibling necklace our mom got it for us she says it’s “cute for the twins!”
back off my baby boy
sorry lol
I can’t lol
the doll on the wall-
sorry 😭😭😭
what r u sorry for babe? -Lynn
it ok 😭
what r u sorry for?
it because your friend said back off my baby boy I am like ok sorry
I mean my bf Ellie I don’t mean u and Lynn
babe call down -Eli
I love you🥰 -Lynn
I can’t :(
I’m overprotective of my babe
love you to
get it!