I feel really alone rn like i don't know why I know there are people out there who are there for me but I feel alone I don't want to feel like this it makes me feel useless and stupid and clingy


I feel really alone rn like i don't know why I know there are people out there who are there for me but I feel alone I don't want to feel like this it makes me feel useless and stupid and clingy

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*Silent Embrace* ;-;
I didn't mean to call you ๐Ÿ˜‚ I clicked on Skype and next thing I now *awkward silence*
;-; I Like hugs
*hug* and *silent embrace*
cause you were giggling too
*welcomes you into group hug*
ok thanks
My giggles are terrible. xD *hUGS EVERYONE*
same my voice is terrible too
your voice it coot. k?
v coot.
๐Ÿ˜‚ oml if they made stuffed animal versions of internet friends id be so happy and get them all
why do people think y voice is cute like ew no over video and phone and stuff it sounds so bad like oml no
oml my voice is awful in real life and then I hear a recording of it and it's even worse like kms
your voice is coot. my voice is like deepish mellow
unless I'm laughing, it jumps up to like some high frequency level
my voice is Annoying tho I really like yours it's nice
ew my laugh is worse than my voice it's v bad
nice ๐Ÿ˜‚
everyone has a cat and I'm here like. "I had a fish who died. I cried. now I'm over it." ;-;
nice my cat is acting like he's a little High on something rn cause he's like running everywhere and shรญt ๐Ÿ˜‚
rip fish ;-;
I've never had fish just lots of cats
cool my whole family are cat people I have four cats rn
;-; Your cats sound vicious.
really? Loki stole my wooden salamander and then tried to bite it's head off after he ran away
he is very vicious
I was somewhat there as I happened. it was hilarious.
it was funny ๐Ÿ˜‚
oh that sounds bad
my cat jumped into the bath with my dad multiple times
cookies yum
That must have sucked. if it makes you feel better. when I used to own a cat, It would scream no if you tried to give it a bath.
I'm a potato not a human so it doesn't matter if they are human cookies or not ๐Ÿ˜‚
then my parents would give me Loki wrapped in a blanket and super wet but he was adorable
I am a cannibal then I eat cookies all the time
oh gingerbread cookies
my friend bought this thing of gingerbread cookies and she kept bringing them to lunch and I ate like half of them
don't judge me they were very good like very very good
virtual cats like you a lot of people like you
oh one of my friends got fries at school and I brought her this chocolate but it was really small and then I stole her fries and messed up her hair
I do the same but my friend and I beg everyone for food so whenever either of us have good food we don't care if either of us take any
you're not a bรฎtch
they do
one day in math I spent the whole time figuring out who to make faces on my calculator and how to write go to hรจล‚l while the dude next to me figured out who to fit his phone into his calculator
oh that happens to me but like at 2/3 am
ok goodnight smol' rabbit