Collage by juniebjones


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adorable name miss junie, i’m ash x
hello :)
ah well thank you, and it’s nice to meet you too x how are you?
i did haha i work everyday 🙃 except sundays
that sounds very relaxing, hot showers are always nice
i’m good though, not hot shower levels of good, but still
hello lovely, im maverick x
the gym, mostly- which probably doesn’t sound that exciting
doing quite well, yourself pretty baby?
relaxing hm? that sounds nice. maybe i could relax with you x
hello junie love x
you’re very pretty
nice to meet you too my love x how’re you?
i would love that, remix me? x
i’m going to jump in the shower darling, i’ll be out soon x
hi miss junie :) pleasure to meet you
my day has gone well, thank you for asking:) and what about yours?