Collage by love_yourselfx3


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Being sick is horrible ugh I get you I had a constant fever all of last week and had to stay home. Drink lots of tea and rest. I was told that honey with tea makes your throat feel a lot better. Stay positive and REST.💕
Get better soon!!!!!
hope you feel better soon!!
awww feel better soon!!!
ahhh being sick really sucks~ you don’t have to apologize ur not doing anything wrong😖 take care of yourself ok? get lots of restttttt and drink lots of water or tea💞💞💞 get well soOoOooOon we all love youuu
get better soon! don’t stress about replying to everyone’s comments, you don’t have to apologize :)
awh get well soon 💗 take your time, you're health comes first 💓
oof das terrible
I hope u feel better soon😘 we’ll definitely miss you and ur gorgeous collages even tho it’s not that long, Cindy😂❤️
hi! thanks for being a follower! if you could take a second to like my second recent post, that’d be greatly appreciated! 💖💖💖
get well soon!
it’s ok 💓
hope your feeling better!😉❤️
are you better now? I hope so 🤞💗
aw, hope you’re feeling better! being sick sucks, pls don’t apologize for something you’re not in control of! DRINK BOBA TEA HHFHSJAJ
since I can't comment on the other collages I'll comment on this one but whenever you have time or If you want can we collab?