Happy birthday Alex!!1!1!1!1


Happy birthday Alex!!1!1!1!1

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yes! omg totally! I start d the series a few days ago, and I'm on s2 now and all I can think is "BELLARKE! BELLARKE! BELLARKE!" 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
no, I haven't but I really, really want to! it's next on my list! have you read them? are they good?
thank you Elizabeth baeπŸ˜ŠπŸ’˜
this is so cool!
this is so beautifulπŸ’–
HEY!! Okay so we aren't super close but like we mutually accept each other and that's rad! from what I can tell, you're really strong and beautiful and smart and we don't share a lot of the same interests so I don't know most of the lyrics on your edits, but they are beautiful, and what I want mine to look like. my absolute favourite thing about your is when you spam, so among all these beautiful, professional edits are completely ridiculous things and it makes me so happy!! I really love your account, and your a genuine, beautiful respectful human with this fire inside and ily lots stay rad. 😎
thank you so much I expected it to be like one line like "your cool k bye" but instead I got this awesomely written well thought out paragraph thank you ily ❀️
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ALEX! even though we just became official TM FRANDS yesterday, you've already grown so much, *wipes fake tear from eyes* I hope you have an amazing year and of course, HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!!!!! *throws confetti plops birthday cake in front on you and throws you heart-shaped chocolate* ily bae
also, I love all the lovely collages you make and stay smol bean and be kool forever, don't let anyone drag you down!!! 😘 *virtual hug* stay strong and stay on πŸ”₯
your account is awesome, and what app do u use?
I love this so muchhh!!!πŸ’™
thank you!!! and same it's pretty much one of my fave edits of my whole account if that doesn't make me seem vain πŸ˜‚πŸ’“βœ¨