Hello it's me again! Here is the first team! WELCOMING THE PURE TEAM! Here we have are pure team all ready and done. You guys will be a team until the end. If you guys end up losing one of you must leave... The leader for the Pure team is Pastel.


Hello it's me again! Here is the first team! WELCOMING THE PURE TEAM! Here we have are pure team all ready and done. You guys will be a team until the end. If you guys end up losing one of you must leave... The leader for the Pure team is Pastel.

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oH I'm the leader?? Cool
lol pastel^
I wish I was Le pure team it's my fav attribute :33
^ Well I mean you picked Maki who is a cool attribute girl...
lol oh well :3 XDD
Thanks Everyone!
@Fruitfulminds It's ok! Hopefully you got the character you wanted! If not, I can make arrangements so you can have the specific character you want.
how do u know I make arguments? we just met....and not many ppl like maki so i think I would be fine XDD
^ she said "arrangements" not arguments...
@PastelAnimeDreamer, you are correct I said arrangements not arguments. And I'm pleased to know you like the character your with!