Hi I'm back -E


Hi I'm back -E

35 0
feminist spelled backwards is tsinimef which also makes no sense
so you don't think females having equality to men makes sense? okay then
they already are equal. end of story.
no they don't just because you personally don't get oppressed doesn't mean other women don't even other men.
it's probably because you are like 11 though so you don't really understand that there is more people in the work other than yourself and your family
really?? okay. I've raised literally thousands of dollars for struggling families, orphans, and homeless children in Belize and Africa, and many more places. but no, you see, I never help anyone else outside of my family
that isn't what i said. and that's great and rbh that isn't what this was about this was about you saying feminism is pointless
if you don't have feminism then you wouldn't have the ability to go to school you wouldn't be able to vote
so sit down and shut up
that's funny, because I'm pretty sure women could go to school before feminism was even thought of.
oh and thanks for the little comment you left on @-80s- International Men's Day post. really shows how nice of a person you are
that was the other co owner
and no they couldn't girls stayed at home and boys went to school have to never been to a history lesson
yeah. in fact, I take two history classes.
and it shouldn't matter which co-owner it was?? both of you are bītches, what's the difference
sorry common sense but I've been staying away from you drama because that's all you want. to cause as much drama as possible
you really think I've spent the last year of my life doing this just to cause drama??
I don't know but that's right now that all it seems you are doing
@c-s Yes, I do
then it appears to me that your logic is a whole lot worse than you think mine is.
You swear at people, haven't you figured it out yet, more people hate you than people like you! And yes hate is a strong word, but so many people feel the need to use it when they think about you. You make people feel bad about themselves, you make people who haven't done anything to harm you feel bad for being gay or being a race other than white, for being a woman. You've made some people come so close to killing themselves they've tried it. You post offensive opinions that you obliviously believe to be facts. You force your opinions down other people's throats if they don't agree with you. You disgust me, you make me sick. You've caused so many people so much pain for doing NOTHING wrong and then you go as far as to swear at them or even threaten them. You are a heartless monster.