Anyone on? I’m bored and need frens!


Anyone on? I’m bored and need frens!

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sissy...? I wanna cry....
*hugs* but crying is bad and I don't have reason to cry... im just ungrateful....
I-I have plenty of friends and a family that loves me and no one hurts or bullies me and I'm just ungrateful...... I-I-I wanna die!!!!!
c-Connor says my family mentally abuses me and that getting pushed down and in lockers and made fun of all the time IS bullying...... *sniffle*
I-I almost just puked....
*hugs tight* d-dont let go....
*trying so hard not to cry*
b-but crying is bad....
*sniffle, whimper*
*hugs tight*
I-i just want to be happy....
I've hidden it long enough that now I can't.....
*shaky breath*
*hugs tight*
I love you sissy...
I gotta go to bed... maybe I'll cry later....