youblitheringidiot is typing...

My entry for @dancingflowers' contest! The task was to create a collage resembling a magazine cover which I think is such a creative idea! The comp closes on 1st August if anyone would like to enter:)☺️


youblitheringidiot is typing... My entry for @dancingflowers' contest! The task was to create a collage resembling a magazine cover which I think is such a creative idea! The comp closes on 1st August if anyone would like to enter:)☺️

60 0
thanks for liking my collage
will you do more games?
oh śhít I forgot Newt counts! and same
great. I'd love to join
Love it❤️💙
I honestly love your icon😂😂I've been watching Joe all day❤️💙😂
Congratulations! You are now apart of team tea! Please read the caption on your teams post