Thank you, my ferocious felines.


Thank you, my ferocious felines.

4 0
you really honestly think you are being so clever
I have eyes okay ? first you say then you are. a Morrison then you're a Masonite I mean they totally didn't clash okay ? Just stop hating on Chloe okay ? Maybe you are jealous of her or something, but honestly don't you have better things to do
and just so you know, bluestar in the background ? um. a PERFECT example of what you are saying totes
Who's the daft one here? That's the whole point of the A game, if the confusion and meddling disappeared, so would the fun. Brighten up, daughter of Poseidon. -A
My choice is Bernice and Bernice's choice is me!!! YAY
she told me lol
I choose fairychloe
Well then, to be fair, I choose myself.
That's so sweet! Maybe I should've given your hate page a deal instead, Coco. You girls are no fun. -A
what exactly do you want
Can I do it now it has been 100000 months