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hi anyone i’m dakota!! 😇💗
hey! I’m James :) you are adorable btw babygirl
I’m good wbu??
hi anybody Im Annabelle
hello hru today?
I’m alright
hello, my name is crystal - I don’t mind who speaks to me
it’s nice to meet you! how’re you?
I’m doing great! it was really sunny today (:
oh no :( where’re u from?
oo, I’m from Sydney (:
I’ve only been to another country once - as a school trip to France
I took it, but was never good at it unfortunately
I never got a grade, I refused to turn up to the exam because I was that bad at it
haha, well at least now you know 🤷🏼‍♀️
5 years? I feel bad for you having to endure it for that long, I only put up for 2 years
I started in my first second year at high school
second *
I just wouldn’t take languages ever again, no matter what - it’s too difficult for me
impressive, you learn at school?
oo, that’s interesting
yeah, you would’ve had a HUGE advantage
hm, you could take it as an additional course in university?
I agree completely
it wasn’t a requirement for us, I just thought it would be better than history but boy was I wrong
that’s rough, what wa your favourite subject?
I could never understand any sciences either...I liked drama class the most
they never had them at my school
I wish we did it, but I’m also glad that I’ve finished high school
hola -jasper
how are you today? -has a heavy accent -
I am good ah ahaha thank you gracias ☺️
helllloo, i’m johnny
good! how about yourself?
watching that 70’s show, hbu?
ohhh cool