pretty little baby momma


pretty little baby momma

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holy fxxking shxxt my fiancé is hot as hxll
also your little bump is cute
how have you been doing
what have you been craving
maybe we can go shopping and get salty stuff
you ready to go
~nods~ yes we can baby
you’re welcome baby ~walks to the door~
~opens the door for you~ after you
~walks out and locks the door~ you are welcome baby
~follows passing you to get the door~
~nods and closes the door and goes and gets in~ we might have to take a shower together again when we get home
~drives~ it’s fine if you really don’t want to
~drives and uses one hand to rub your belly~
~smiles softly and drives~
~nods and drives~ me either I still can’t believe we are going to be parents
~gets to the convenient store~true when is your first appointment I can’t wait to see baby/babies
~smiles and gets out~ again with not letting me get your door
ohhh my bad I read that wrong I thought you got out 😆
~gets out quickly and gets your door~
I’m your. mess ~smirks~
~smiles and holds your hand~
~looks around~
did I miss the appointment mamas
have you felt movement yet or is it still early
ohhh I’m busy Monday ~frowns~
~nods and kisses you~
happy Mother’s Day baby
I might be able to come to your appointment depending on the time
do you know if they take long because I have a meeting at 5 so I shouldn’t be able to make it
it got canceled so I can come just let me know where it’s at
ohhhh I’m like five minutes away from there I’ll be there shortly ~drives in that direction~
~gets there and parks unbuckling and gets out and walks in looking for you~
~walks over to you~ there was an accident on the way here so there was traffic
~kisses back and puts my hand on the small of your back ~ lead the way beautiful
hope you are having a good day baby love you
miss you 😘
miss you and hope you are doing okay
ohhh I didn’t know that do you know the gender yet
well it’s up to you if you want to wait till baby is here that’s fine with me
well I honestly don’t like the idea of waiting ~looks at you and smiles~
~nods~ I’m thinking it’s a boy since it’s already so big besides you being small
~rubs your belly~ how far along are you
~chuckles~ you have to keep track baby
~bends down and kisses your belly~ hi baby
~gives you my hand~
hi baby this is your daddy I can’t wait to see if you are a mini me or mom
~smiles~ daddy can’t wait to meet you
~smiles~ yes they are ~kisses your belly again before getting up~
~smiles and kisses you~
do you feel like doing anything today Beautiful
how have you been feeling baby
it’s okay baby just wanted to check on you
~nods and lays on the bed opening my arms~
hope you are doing okay
miss you
how are you
how much longer till baby is here ~looks at you~
~nods~ do we know the gender or are we waiting just wanna know so I can get the nursery started
we can looks if you want or we can wait it’s up to you
let’s look ~watches you~
with how big your belly is I’m betting it’s a boy
~takes it and carefully opens it~
~opens it~ (do I pick the gender or do you wanna say it)
~smiles wide~ it’s a girl
~smiles and kisses your belly~ hi baby girl daddy is gonna spoil you so much
should we let her pick her name like say names we like and if she kicks at one that’s her name
I have a few I like want me to start or do you wanna start
I like the names; Leiara, myierri, analeia, Aleyah and for the middle name Lavelle, cimani and lastly Ayla
I really like solea
solea rayne ~looks at you~
sounds perfect we will have to get started on that nursery soon
~nods~ do you still wanna get a dresser even though there’s a closet in her room
~nods~ my cousin says she has a really nice diaper bag she doesn’t use if we want it we can have it free
have a good day baby
have a good day baby I love you and miss you
miss you