Hmm? You okay fren?


Hmm? You okay fren?

15 0
What do you think?
What happened?
My mind turned on me..
I relapsed
My dad assaulted me
Emotional abuse
Take your pick
No? Okay
I'm sorry... I don't know what to say...
Not sorry.
i really am... I go through the same things...
.. it's not your fault tho..
it's no one's fault... we'll get through it
.. maybe
I know we can... if you ever want to talk, I'm here.
I am... I'll try to be on more
I will! Trust me on this one! I want you to be able to trust me and talk to me! you don't have to, but if you do, I'm here
... Ok..
I'm sorry... I'm probably really dramatic right now
Not really..
I don't know, I'm awkward
Aren't we all..
Anything else?
I'm not sure...
I actually have to go to bed. I'll talk to you tomorrow, okay?
Ya.. night..
well you know that person named gay_is_not_OKAY?
I told them to kill themselves out of anger...
I should've been there sooner...
Hamilton_ posted a collage and the caption said h e l p now since I wasn't there soon enough she hasn't answered me...