Weasley is our king 👑


Weasley is our king 👑

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YES!!! you love my fandoms!!! right now I am in the hp pjo and hoo fandoms!!
Thanks! I have many fandoms ....
hi can you get onto your hogwarts account?
Um, I'm really sorry but we stopped doing that account a while ago. It was kind of a lot to do and I don't think we've been on it for a year or so. I'm really sorry that this happened I didn't realize people were still going on it! I will post a new collage on it if I can saying that we probably won't use it anymore or if we ever do, not for a long time. I'm really sorry this happened, I feel so bad about it... How long had you been waiting for a response! I'm so sorry I feel terrible!
I've been waiting for a couple months. do you think I could use it for something?
If you make another account, I could give a shoutout to you on either the Hogwarts account or this athenaowl6 account. In the little announcement I made on the Hogwarts account I said I wanted to keep it in case I ever use it again, but I will give you a shoutout on here if you want so more people will hear about it.
I can't make another account
Why not?