Collage by cupidisland


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Vee sat in the folding chair.
Lani looks around the garage. “Hmmmmm...”
Vee sat backwards in the chair.
Lani picks up the shoes and inspects them.
Gwen 😂
“I don’t know, escape maybe.” Vee stood up and grabbed the gold club.
“I think we’re supposed to escape,” Lani says, glancing at Jamie. She was still holding the box of shoes.
Vee tried to open the tool chest but it wouldn’t open so she hit it with the golf club.
Lani pUt the shoes down and glanced at the tool chest. She knelt in front of it and popped it open.
Vee hit it many times before it popped open revealing many different tools.
whoops 😂😬
Lani picked up a screwdriver. “Is there any way we can pick a lock?,” she asked, glancing at the door.
Vee grabs the screw driver and stabs the lock on the door but it doesn’t open. “I don’t like this.” She crosses her arms.
“there might be something hidden in the shoes.” Vee says and starts tearing apart a pair of old sneakers.
Lani shrugs. She picks up the shovel. “Can we, like, break the door down?”
Vee continues to tear apart shoes. “I found something! it’s a,” She unfolds the paper. “a free cheeseburger from McDonald’s?”
“well this is useless.” Vee throws the coupon on the floor.
“Yuck,” Lani said, “Y’all can have your McDonald’s.”
Lani smacked the door. “I think it’s metal.”
Vee swing around the golf club.
Lani hit the door again.
Vee opens a cabinet and finds a safe. “Hey guys, I found a safe. We need a six digit code.”
Lani pUt down the shovel. “Ooh.”
Vee walks around looking for a code. “Where’d that coupon go?”
“She has it,” Lani says, pointing to Gwen.
Vee holds out her hand motioning for Gwen to give it to her.
Lani looked at the coupon with disgust.
Vee searched the coupon. “The barcode has a lot of numbers and the expiration date only has 4. I’m stumped.” Vee walks back over to the safe and fries random number combinations.
“Weird,” Lani says, thinking.
Lani looked at Vee. She had a weird sort of aura to her, like one of those ancient paintings: beautiful and mysterious.
that was the most poetic thing I’ve written in 28648283737 years
Vee put on her thinking cap and had an idea. The coupons expiration date was 4/7/09. She could try 040709 or 472009. Vee is smrt.
Vee did a funky dance.
Lani laughed a bit. “Did you figure something out?”
“Possibly!” Vee tried them.
They didn’t work.
“Aww. Sad,” Lani said.
Lani wrinkled her nose and sat on the floor. “hMmmMmmm......”
Vee got frustrated and hit the safe with the golf club.
Lani wanted to hit something. She smacked the floor with her hand.
Vee dented the safe.
“OpEn” Vee aggressively hit the safe.
Lani grunted and got up. She really wanted to smack the safe with the shovel. “May I?,” she asked, brandishing the shovel and gesturing to the safe.
“go for it.” Vee looked around the garage for a golf club holder.
Vee found an empty book bag and fixed it up with some tools so it could carry the golf club.
Lani pommeled the safe with the shovel. “aRgHhhh”
Lani whacked that stubborn safe with all her might
Vee put the golf club slid the gold club into the little hole she made for it in the bag.
Vee kicked the bike.
Lani inspected the now heavily dented safe. She poked it.
Vee played with the basketball.
Lani kept glancing at Vee.
Vee stabbed the basket ball with the screwdriver.
Lani started disassembling the bike.
Vee kicked the safe. The door was very dented.
Vee then dumped the box of shoes.
Lani grabbed small pieces from the bike and tried using them to pick the lock on the door.
“I hate this garage.” Vee kicked a random shelf. “I hate it,” She kicked the screw driver. “I really hate it.” she kicked the deflated basketball.
“Hey, whats this.” Something catches her eye in the basketball and she pulls out a folded piece of paper. She unfolded it revealing the code. “I found the code!”
Lani looks over. “Really? Try it!”
Lani scooches over to the dented safe. “Reveal your secrets.”
Vee tried the code and as soon as she puts it in, she hears a click. It takes a lot of force to open it because they damaged the safe so much.
Lani peeks inside the safe.
“a picture? Why are you doing this to us!” Vee yelled at the ceiling.
“A picture? Wait...What is it a picture of?”
Vee handed the picture to Lani.
Lani took it. “Hmmm...”
(I don’t know what to make the picture be of 😂😬 tHe PrEsSuRe)
Vee twirled the golf club.
Lani scrunched up her eyebrows. “Wait...What?” The picture was the garage exactly the way it was before they...moved things. She held it out to show Gwen.
wE fOuNd A SaFe AnD a PiCtUrE
Lani realizes that she didn’t really know these people’s names.
realized* Gosh. Verb Tenses.
Vee swung the golf club around.
“Maybe?,” Lani said. “Can Anyone remember what the room looked like when we came in?”
Lani wanted to figure this out and get outta there but she kept thinking about Vee
“nope.” Vee hit the door with her golf club.
“Shoot. You?,” she asked, looking at Jamie. “Do you remember? Is there anything different about this picture than what was here when we came in?”
Vee glanced at Jamie.
Vee stopped kicking the bike. “what?”
Lani looked from the picture to the room. “Hey, you’re right. The bike’s not in the picture.”
Vee looked down at the bike. “so what are we supposed to do with it?”
Vee wacked it with her golf club.
“oh.” Vee stopping hitting it with the golf club.
Vee sat in the chair like a lazy rock.
“a hole!” Vee yelled with joy.
Vee used her golf club and hit the hole in the wall making a bigger hole.
Vee crawled into the hole only to find a small empty room. “false alarm, the hole did nothing.” She crawled back out.
Vee found that the bike had a horn and honked it.
“I don’t know.” Vee shrugged.
Vee tried on a pair of high heels and walked around in them.
Vee nodded and put on a pearl necklace.
Vee did some weird dance.
Vee laughed.
talis looked around the garage, he found a hose and started spraying everyone with water by accident. “hOW DO I TURN THIS OFF?” he shrieked
meep meep
all by mhselff
English is hard
I’m at the garage
hey hey
Vee smashes the garage with her golf club.
Vee swings the golf club very close to Jamie’s face.
“oops.” Vee stops swinging the golf club.