Collage by blowing_bubbles


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“oh this is carver” Azule said stepping out of the way “I’ve known him for a long time and he just moved to NYC so I thought I’d bring him as my plus one” Azule shrugged// carver stepped up and waved meekly. he had pants and a dress shirt on. his iPad in hand and his Apple Pencil on his ear. he smiled “hi in carver”
“nice to meet you too” he nodded and sent a goofy grin at her. he was really shy around everyone except Azule but hoped he would make friends here.
jack waltzed I’m smiling. he adjusted his tie and walked over to Hannah. he leaned down and kissed her cheek smiling. “hi”
Azule left Hannah and jack alone and went to the kitchen and started eating chocolate strawberries// carver decided to roam the house, clutching his iPad to his chest and looking for a book inspiration.
cArVer nEEdS a bOo
jack was a little overwhelmed by chuckled and smiled at Hannah’s parents. he was confused why Alex need him but he shrugged it off. it could wait till later. “nice to meet you both. your daughter is amazing, I truly love her” he looked at her when he said that and smiled
“yeah they are pretty cute but i think we’re cuter” jack chuckled
Azule was just eatin her chocolate strawberries and on her phone bored
carver was yeetin around
carver looked up and smiled his goofy grin. “nah your ok, sorry I was just looking around”// jacks smiled dropped “yo-your sure?” he stammered very confused why she would do this
“I’m carver, azule’s friend” he shrugged and clutched his iPad to his chest// jack shook his head his face deep in concern “I just don’t understand”
jack shook his head and raked his hand through his hair. “but....but” a hot tear ran down his face
Jacob shook his head and moved out from Hannah’s hand “Avery just told me something” he said in shook
jacks voice wavered “she.... she said... you... you were cheating on me with mason” jacks face grew angry and bitter “why?@
(what do u want me to dooo)
jack nodded still unsure but wanted to believe her “yeah, but why do you think Avery would tell me that?”
(aH yEs pLz)
jack nodded “I believe you Hun. I’m really sorry” jack smiled sadly and brushed his cheek with his hand
carver looked at her snapped from his daze “oh no I’m carver, azules friend” carver said smiling// jack nodded and kissed her cheek “your the best” *the doorbell rung* jack walked over an answered the door.// jack smiled and hugged her mom and kissed her on both cheeks. the mom barged in a strict look on her face “oh well this place if quite small compared to our suite in Hawaii. wouldn’t you say so dear” jacks mom called behind her. being extra load trying to one up these losers// jack gave his dad a bear hug and smiled “so we’re rich people today huh?” jack asked his dad. his mom always fake changed their lifestyles to one up who they were visiting// jack dad nodded “seems so” he chuckled and shut the door behind him
carver nodded “cool”
jacks mom stood there and dropped her bags on the floor in the middle of the walkway. she was not easier impressed. she began looking around inspecting the house. ignoring Hannah.// jack chuckled and nodded “yeah pretty much”// jacks dad sighed and shook his head retrieving his wife’s luggage. “thanks Hannah” jacks dad smiled “I’m Norman by the way.”
jacks dad huffed up the stairs as jacks mom with her blank judgemental stair inspecting everything as she went along. she followed on the heels of Hannah as she walked downstairs. jack and Norman chatted lightly behind them. Norman nodded “I agree” and brought Hannah in for a bear hug// jacks mom simply nodded and started looking around
jacks mom looked down at hannah and threw on a fake smile “yes darling great to meet you. I’m glad you and jack get along so well”
jacks mom just stood there checking her phone.// jacks dad smiled “it’s great to finally meet you. I’m Norman” he extended his hand. he was an older gentleman, shorter than his wife. bright eyes and wrinkled but still handsome
jacks mom turned “oh yes hi” she said in a snooty voice. she was wearing a red pantsuit and high heels. her hair was in a tight bun.// jacks dad nodded “yes your songs are really quite great” he said warmly smiling
jacks dad nodded “you are quite the talent”// jacks moms expression grew soft “yes I am quite aware of all of those things. your daughter is quite great”
jacks dad nodded “mind if I look around?”// jack kissed the top of her forehead smiling// “really they are?” jacks mom said in a hushed voice. grinning.// Azule ate her chocolate strawberries AlL lOnElY// carver shuffled his feet waiting for Avery to answer
jacks dad yeeted around// jacks mom smiled “why that’s just wonderful isn’t it” she said genuine// Azule laughed and ate another one “you have found my stash”//carver nodded “you too”
(yeah 😂)
“that’s wonderful” jacks mom said softly smiling// “yes yes I really do” jack said and smiled// “yeah agreed” Azule nodded// carver hummed and turned on his iPad Pro. he messed around with it . “do y’all have a garden?” he asked Avery
jacks mom nodded// jack smiled and melted into her// “ooooo that’s fun” Azule said “hEy We sHOulD gO rAiD uR sIsTerS cLosEt” Azule suggested licking her fingers// carver shuffled along after Avery hoping to get a good place to draw
Azule smiled and dig into the clothes “ooooo”// carver nodded turning on his iPad “yeah” he began to draw Avery by the pool// jacks mom nodded “agreed”
Azule pulled out a giant green dress “ooooo” she waved it around and laughed diving back into the clothes// carver looked up his eyes sparkling “oh yeah.... I am if that’s ok” carver said continuing to draw// “hopefully” jack said nervously and chuckled
aZuLe nEeDS a bOo
carver continued to draw her. sketching with the pencil and moving it around. “so your Hannah’s sister. so what’s your pet peeve with being her sister” carver asked// “yeah this is crazy” Azule laughed and grabbed her phone and responded to the text “oh we may or may not be raiding her closet 😂”// “oh no we don’t” jack chuckled “my mom just likes to one up everyone” he rolls his eyes “man there is a lot of people here” he looked around and took a sip of Hannah’s drink.
“well you don’t need to be. I mean your your own individual. pretty, sweet, and I’m sure very talented. just find your own thing. instead of being her shadow” he shrugged drawing and glancing up at her occasionally// “no kidding” Azule laughed// “yeah” jack nodded “so wanna go talk to them” he suggested with shrug
carver smiled and colored in her eyes “you really have pretty eyes. they’re like dark blue almost purple. like you now a flower or the galaxy” he said drawing and glancing up at her// Azule rugged at her dress “oh my god I hate this dress so much. do you think I can steal some of Hannah’s cloths?” she asked// jack chuckled “yep pretty much”
“I personally don’t really like blonde hair” carver shrugged coloring// “sweet” Azule found a drawer with big T-shirt’s. she smiled and picked out on that she had like thirty of. she picked out some white jean shorts that again hannah had like five pairs of. she then found some white keds that she would return at the ends of the night. she changed and put her hair in a ponytail and slipped on her glasses “ta dA!”// jack saw how worried Hannah was “yeah I can do the interview for you. I didn’t have anything to do tomorrow anyway” he shrugged
“yeah, will do” jack said nodding “um we don’t know.” jack chuckled nervously// “nah I’m sure guys don’t prefer snooty girls. no offense. I would way prefer a down to earth modest girl” carver shrugged and tapped his forhead to see what he was missing in the picture
Azule grabbed her phone and pushed up her glasses “hey wanna go get some popcorn!” Azule suggested checking her phone. Landon hasn’t texted back but she shrugged and answered some snapchats
“yeah I get it” carver finished his drawing and showed it off to Avery. “like it ?”// Azule walked downstairs and began munching on a bowl of popcorn totally not searching the crowds for Landon// “yes sir. what did you need?” jack asked nervously
“thanks” carver smiled “so tell me a bit about your self”// Azule smiled and stuffed more popcorn in her mouth “oh hey” she said chewing// “yes sir I understand” he laughed “but i really do love her she such and amazing person” he smiled thinking about her
“hm hobbies?” carver asked looking at her// “nah not really” Azule shrugged eating more popcorn// “I respect her work very much. and I love her not because of what she is or does but because she is a selfless and beautiful person on the inside”
“yeah shopping’s fun.” carver nodded “what’s your favorite color? and your favorite animal?” carver asked// “yes yes they are” Azule laughed “I didnt want to stay in my dress so I stole some of her clothes” Azule shrugged// “yes sir I truly love her and will take care of her till the ends of the earth” jack smiled
“light blue, and dogs” carver laughed// “very much so” Azule ate some more popcorn// “wait what?” he chuckled “I mean I’m probably going to purpose soon anyways” he shrugged
“yes sure” carver stood up and set his stuff down on the bench// “very very true” Azule laughed “so how have you been?”// jack chuckled and kissed her head “it’s ok nothing to worry about you’ll do great no doubt”
“so what do you like to do for fun here in LA? I just moved so”// “I’ve just been jam packed with homework from collage. I’m getting my bachelors in chemical science so then I can get my masters in optometry” Azule said eating more popcorn// “I’m sure it will sale out....... oh! I have an idea. how bout we do like a giveaway on your insta for a few tickets” jack suggested
“oh yeah” he chuckled and rubbed the back of his head “oh shopping not my favorite” he chuckled// “yeah probably” Azule nodded “got a date?” she teased his and nudged his elbow laughing.
jack took out his phone “well let me check my calendar” he said in a British accent “nope nothing, per usual” he chuckled “you?”
“I used to live in Colorado. I miss it “ carver shook his head slightly and stuck his hand out in the rain// Azule laughed a little disappointed he didn’t ask her but she shrugged it off “nice” she laughed again// “got it got it” jack smiled tryin to plan a proposal in his head
(I don’t have the login Kat does)
carver chuckled and smiled at Avery. he walked up to her “well colorado is known for skiing. I love To ski” he said his hair getting drenched// “nope” she said and popped the p on nope.// “of course wouldn’t miss it for the world”...... hm maybe I can propose to her on stage he though
carver nodded “yeah I miss Colorado” he sighed// “oh yeah that would be cool” she smiled and ate her popcorn// “well not much just sitting at home. cleaning doing the dishes as usual” he laughed
“yeah it kinda is” carver had on his stylish leather jacket. he took it off and handed it to her “here”// “oh awesome” Azule smiled// “it’s ok I really don’t mind. are you ok? do you need to take a break?” jack asked concerned
“you sure?” carver shrugged. “I’m really not that cold” he had on a crimson under button up shirt and some dress pants with a scarf// Azule fake gasped “how dare you!” she said dramatically and threw some at him. she glanced towards the window..... “it’s raining!!!!!! one second I’ll be right back” Azule ran upstairs and changed back into her blue flowy dress and glittery flats. she ran back downstairs “wanna go outside!?”// “no, if a few people get tired of it. so what. you love it and that’s all that matters and me and your family are here for you no matter what” jack said taking her hands
carver stuck his hands in his pocket and started whistling. “so Avery? hmmm are you seeing someone?” he asked nonchalantly.// Azule followed him smiling. she spun around in the rain her dress frilling out// “Hannah trust me you are so blessed beyond belief and you won’t get out of the business trust me. people really like you and look up to you. plus even if you stop we are already blessed beyond belief and I have a job and I can keep up going while you figure it ok. don’t fret” he smiled and kissed her cheek
carver nodded a little defeated but he shrugged it off “ah got it”// Azule smiled and twirled back over to Landon “hey wanna dance?” she asked and offered her hand// “your fans are wonderful and it’s so great that they want to see you. I’m so happy for you” he smiled and kissed her on the cheek
carver chuckled “yeah” he nodded// Azule smiled taking his hand and holding onto his shoulder. they danced in the rain and she smiled up at him// (iDk aLoT oF tAyLoR sWiFt SoNgS sOooO) jacks mom spoke up and smiled “I would love to hear delicate”
carver searched his brain for a convo “so.... what’s your favorite season?”// Azule took a chance and put her head on his chest// jack smiled and clapped and winked at her chuckling
“winter. skiing season” carver said smiling// Azule sighed and smiled swaying// jack jumped up and down like a little girl “OH I LOVE THIS SONG!”
carver nodded “so do you have any pets?”// Azule hummed a song softly breathing smiling// jack smiled and snag along at the top of his voice
“nah but I want one” carver said// Azule looked up and smiled. she wanted to kiss him but didn’t want to get rejected
jack chuckled and smiled. Norman smiled and yelled “we need to get this party bumpin so let’s sing shake it off!”
carver laughed “glad I caught yah”// Azule smiled and leaned in a little bit also// Norman was yelling the lyrics at the top of his lungs. jack was dancing with Hannah’s mom and jacks mom was laughing at her husband and smiling
carver laughed “yeah. so maybe you wanna get coffee or something and show me around. or just get to know each other” he suggested with a shrug// Azule went for it and closed the gap. she gently kissed him.// they kept on dancin. jack looked at Hannah and smiled.
“cool” carver said and smiled// Azule smiled and put her arms around his neck. she was wet but she felt very warm// “great babe. really lightened the mood. you were great” jack said smiling
“um literally any day anytime. I’m not working yet so” he shrugged// Azule smiled at him “hey that was nice” she giggled a lil bit// jack put his arm around her
“cool cool. how bout Friday night? (todays Wednesday?)// Azule smiled “soooooooo does that you know mean anything?” Azule wasn’t one to beat around the bush// “it was spectacular hun. love the party too. and thanks for letting us stay. I’m sorry I was a little grumpy earlier. I hope you can forgive me?” jacks mom said hopingly
“agreed” he chuckled sitting next to her “plus it’s really nice out here”// Azule smiled and kissed him back. her arms still around his neck// jacks mom smiled and accepted the hug// jacks dad came over “that was spectacular Hannah” he said with a gentle smile
carver sang along, his voice was a little off pitch but he was trying// Azule smiled in the kiss// jacks dad nodded.// jack smiled “oh hey vi what’s up”
carver rubbed the back of his neck “yeahhhhhh I’m not the best singer” he chuckled// Azule looked up at him and put her head on his chest. totally hoping that maybe he would ask her to be his gf// jacks mom and dad smiled “hi via nice to meet you” jacks mom said extending her hand
“no your really good” carver said// Azule smile widened “of course I would love to!” she laughed “that sounded really girly. but yeah that would be great” azule laughed again// jack smiled back at her// jacks mom smiled and stepped back// “I’m Norman. nice to meet you via” jacks dad said extending his hand also
carver chuckled “so what else are you good at?”// Azule smiled and took his hands intertwining their fingers. “great”// jack nodded “yeah she would love that”
carver chuckled and looked at Avery...... he noticed something off “ummmm random question do you just magically dry off or.....” he laughed nervously// Azule laid her head back on his chest gently swaying// “great” jack said smiling
(wanna make a new rp for tm morning?)
(ok I’m just gonna make a new one 👌)
(new rp?)