Comment below your 5 favourite short books, I may check some of them out also comment which of these sound the most interesting


Comment below your 5 favourite short books, I may check some of them out also comment which of these sound the most interesting

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no, it won't ruin the infernal devices. you find out a lot about the infernal devices. I read tmi first before j read TID and I found it just as amazing and Cassandra c,are said it herself that there is no order in which you read the books
okay thank you because I've been worried about reading it since someone told me it ruins the series
I love Eleanor & Park as well, that is one then Fangirl by Rainbow Rowel, TFIOS by John Green, Angel Cake and Sundae Girl both by Cathy Cassidy!
I seriously recommend Sundae Girl it's really good and cute x
fangirl is one of my fave books but it's pretty long so I left it off here. I'll see if I can find it in my local bookshop but it tends to get books pretty lateπŸ˜‚
what is about?
Me and Earl and The Dying Girl. Go read it right now. NOW πŸ‘‰ Literally one of my favorite of all time. Rated PG-13 though πŸ˜›
Challenger Deep is a new book (2015) and its already won several awards, it's amazing
I'm going to buy me earl and the dying girl next week !
the barcode tattoo, and that's the only short book I know about
I've only haven't read 4 & 5 lol
paper towns by John green
1. We Were Liars 2. The Barcode Tattoo 3. Dumplin' 4. The Honest Truth 5. On The Fence 6. The Fill-In Boyfriend We were liars is so good!!!! Eleanor and Park is good too.
I LOVE THE GIVER SOOOOO MUCH ITS MY FAVORITE BOOK. (and that's saying something) Harry Potter is my fav series
I like : "Liar and Spy" by Rebecca Stead πŸ˜πŸ‘Œ