Collage by unloved-


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aha thanks sure I’m interested:,)
okay so first off she loves super dominant guys . like the way they act and everything. she loves to be called little one or bbg or even kitten . little one is her fav tho . when she’s in a relationship she loves when her bf says “daddy’s little girl” or “daddy’s kitten” it makes her feel butterflies amd safe or so she tells me hah and she loves super possessive guys. like SUPER possessive/ she has lots of guy friends but she doesn’t like any of them . when inna relationship she loves it when her daddy lets her still tlak to them but instead of going after her he tells the friends politely to be respectful and to back off when need be instead of lashing at her. she’s gotta bubbly personality but some things remind her of her dad and it triggers her anxiety. she can pretty intense amd say terrible things on an anxiety attack . usually people don’t stay or they get mad at her. she needs someone who will jjst hold her and not give up on her. she loves the color pink and will most certainly eat pink anything. some times she has trouble eating so if u make her sun pink she’ll eat it. ing
and she loves watching nemo it’s her favorite movie
she likes to go shopping and cuddle and she’s into tall guys who are goofy yet naughty amd treat her like the baby she is
your a life saver thank you so very much
ofc anytime and how’s it going with u two?
pretty good I think, a little confused about the whole best friend thing but :((