I got in a fight with waddles, mythicalmissy, and mistressmeowmeow on the Catalina trip. This is for you guys...

And I just wanted to say that I am truly sorry, and that I would not be the same person without you guys helping me through my life, which ha


I got in a fight with waddles, mythicalmissy, and mistressmeowmeow on the Catalina trip. This is for you guys... And I just wanted to say that I am truly sorry, and that I would not be the same person without you guys helping me through my life, which ha

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OK here goes a long paragraph....
MiniPrincessZebra, What happened on Catalina was just the aftermath of not enough sleep, kind of weird food, too much sun, and being around each other for a little too long. I think I can speak for all of us that we were just in a grumpy mood and what happened was really silly. We will always be friends no matter what kind of poop we go through. We should just forget what happened because it was ridiculous. We all did a little something wrong and we all we hurt in someway or another. I think we should just let it blow over because we're to good of friends to let that get in between us. I'm so sorry if I hurt you in any way possible. -Waddlesthepig🐽
what she said
and even though we were really mad at you and you were mad at us in the end it made our friendship stronger because we know and you know to talk when we or you have a problem and I think it takes a pretty special group of friends to show that