Someone asked me if I was lesbian but the basic girls from my school were making musicallys on the balcony so I said no


Someone asked me if I was lesbian but the basic girls from my school were making musicallys on the balcony so I said no

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ah i hate when that kinda stuff happens, like yesterday my class went on a field trip to a Universtiy for science and on the bus the boy in front of me asked for my Sexuality and i lied and said I was straight. My friend, who was sitting next to me, turned and was about to ask why I lied and I just whipered 'shhhhhhh'.
argh spelling
^aw I'm sorry fam. it sucks, I know
basic girls making musicallys. oh wait, I'm that girl. ok bye
im the one that just sits on the teacher's desk and listen to fall out boy like????
kewl shoes tho